The Power of Hands-on Healing

When I place my hands upon your body to listen, I do it with curiosity and the humble confidence that your body can show us the process of cellular motion that will restore balance.

Think about that moment when you think you’re going to fall. Think about that feeling in your body. Often, we can recover our balance, even when there’s a moment when we’re not sure. Our bodies know what to do, and they can often restore balance automatically, if we let them. 

The same is true at the molecular level in your tissue. There are a lot of forces to play with, and we can right ourselves, but initiating the process can be difficult. Most of us aren’t taught how to trust our bodies and to tune in enough to let them do what they’re naturally built to do. So, it helps a whole lot to be in tune with a trusting, safe guide. When we do, we can discover that gravity is actually working in our favor. We can learn to trust that. 

Hands-on healing modalities – Rolfing®, BodyMind Centering®, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy® and SourcePoint Energy Medicine® – all share the basic truth that the systems of your body are attuning to something greater than you, the force field of the entire earth, and the cosmos. It’s that big! 

That’s why, when I do bodywork or trauma repatterning, my hands and my heart bear witness and follow you, providing support as you’re connecting inward. I listen with awareness, to your system and to where it moves to reintegrate and recover itself with the balance of the earth. 

The presence and the bearing witness initiates an expression of healing that opens from a restraining protective stance and reintegrates what felt lost or disconnected. That’s attunement.


Alignment and Posture: Creating Space


A Message in the Bottle From Life