How Injuries Change Your Body’s Design

Did you know having an injury actually changes your body's design?

Think about how often we fell down and badly bruised ourselves as children. These injuries often push segments of our bodies out of alignment. The body then adapts to this by counterbalancing. It still has to function with the laws of gravity, but things are slightly askew. 

One childhood injury event may set a postural pattern into motion, leaving the body off center, and forcing it to compensate throughout a lifetime. Then, any subsequent injuries may instigate other compensations on top of that original one, adding strain upon strain to structural alignment and postural fulfillment. Your body will do its best negotiating with its histories, injuries, compensations, repeated tasks, and emotional ability to accomplish any action efficiently. 

As a Rolfer, it’s important for me to consider the reasons why your body parts are pulled off of gravitational balance. Why has your body innocently adopted deviations over time that add up? 

Your unconscious mind will protectively hold onto habituated compensations and compromise its full potential and freedom of movement until it’s offered a better informed alternative.

I have seen again and again that offering Intelligent interventions through movement and touch can neutralise obstructing patterns for more liberating ones. It’s deeply  rewarding to help my clients facilitate change, and perform more optimal motion in their day to day lives. 

Change in one segment changes the whole body.

Are you ready to experience that change?


Alignment and Posture: Creating Space